are we human?

18 Aug 2016

In church our sermon series at the minute is on our values as a church and this week we were focusing on world mission. As part of the talk a girl shared about her experience in South Africa working at an after schools club. I have spent the last few years volunteering at an after schools club in my church in Belfast and I was really impacted by how many similarities there were between the two clubs. It really puts it into perspective that although it may seem like there could be no similarities between a child living in the centre of a first world city and one living in a village full of extreme poverty but this isn't the case. A child, is a child, is a child, is a child, they have the same personality, the both want to  learn, the both want to play, they both want to go on to do great things the only difference is, one of them can't.

"If you think we're human, take a look once again, If you think we're human where's the heart when we just look away?"

The same can be said for us and those younger and older than us, we can all learn from each other and each one of us is human. There is no such thing as a superior human we are all created in God's image and although we all have different gifts and talents when we put them together we create something beautiful. "we are all one body of many parts".

So think about the world around you, take in the differences in people and embrace them and when the situations arise in which you find yourself questioning the world, and why there is so much pain and suffering just remember that we are all human and we have the power to make a change. Look into charities that allow you to sponsor a child and it will allow you to make an impact on a child's life along with helping their whole family. I sponsor a child from Rwanda and being able to support her and converse with her is a really worthwhile experience which I highly recommend , I hope one day I will be able to visit her.