Called to LOVE.
10 Nov 2016
"Above all love each other deeply for love covers a multitude of sins" // 1 Peter 4:8
This is an open letter to the Christian church,
If we are called to Love, Why are we the very people ruling the world with hatred and looking down on others. Too often as Christians we can get caught up in our pride, we assume, oh we're better than them because they did this unspeakable thing, but are we? In Romans 3:23 it says "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" their sin is not greater than our sin.
So if you use your Christianity as an excuse to hate the LGBT+ community are you not aware that the bible teaches the opposite? Jesus wouldn't want us running around, shunning people, just because they're different, after all he was the one who dined with outcasts, who talked to prostitutes and everyone looked down on him for that, yet he is the one we should look to as an example for our lives.
What saddens me the most is that if a person openly from the LGBT+ community came into our church many people would make them feel unwelcome, like they are unworthy to be in God's house, but after all, so are we. So you don't have to be in love with the way they live, just like they don't need to be in love with the way that we live but after all. Love is love and God loves us, he loves us unconditionally, and he also loves them unconditionally, because that's just who he is, He's the omnibenevolent God, He loves us all equally, no one is more precious than any other. So tell me again how oppression and hatred of the LGBT+ community is biblical because to my mind it most certainly is not.
We are not called to hate, We are called to Love.
Love. Never. Fails.
Love From, me, a young christian, ready for change.