1. Don't Come Easy, Isaiah
This is Australia's offering for the contest this year. "Why are Australia featured in a contest made to celebrate the European music scene?" I hear you ask. Well honestly we eurofans don't really know the answer to that either but when they come back year after year with jams like this we can't really complain. Unpopular Eurovision opinion alert: I didn't actually like Australia's entry last year so I'm glad that we've gone back to the Australia that I loved from 2015. This song gave me major Sam Smith vibes when I first heard it so in my head Isaiah is just Sam Smith with better hair but I'm not complaining.
2. Dance Alone, Jana Burceska
Never in all my years of watching Eurovision have I loved a song from Macedonia as much as this, they've stepped up their game so much this year and this is such a strong song. This is complete mainstream pop music and it's so refreshing it's absolutely something that you would hear on the radio and it's perfect for when you just want to dance around your room by yourself, which I guess makes the title of "dance alone" very relevant.
3. Occidentali's Karma, Francesco Gabbani
On the subject of dancing around your room, there is no song more suited for that than Italy's "Occidentali's Karma", it's not in English but that doesn't make it any less accessible for the non-Italian speaking population, there's something special about the Italian language that makes it so interesting and listenable and this song is not what I think a lot of people associate with Italian music and it's a solid jam, it's also the current favourite to win the whole competition so what better reason to give it a listen!
4. City Lights, Blanche
Although I'm not the biggest fan of this song, I do love the genre a lot and many of my favourite songs are from this genre, so say hello to Belgium's answer to deep female vocalist singing slow vibey song, if you're a fan of Lana Del Rey, Gabrielle Aplin, Halsey, Marina and the Diamonds and the like I wold almost guarantee that you'll love this because I am definitely in the small minority that doesn't.
5. Beautiful Mess, Kristian Kostov
Bulgaria's comeback to Eurovision has been bigger than Robbie's comeback to Take That, having come in fourth position last year with the absolute tune that was "If Love Was A Crime" Bulgaria are back at it again with this solid jam sung by 16-year-old Kristian Kostov.
6. Never Give Up On You, Lucie Jones
This is the UK's best entry in years, and being from the UK this makes me super happy! (It also means that I'm allowed to slate them for being crap). I've been a fan of Lucie since her days on The X Factor where she famously lost a sing-off to Eurovision royalty Jedward and I never forgave the judges. But Lucie is back and stronger than ever and this is possibly one of my favourite ballads of the year which just so happens to be written by Eurovision 2014 winner Emmelie De Forest.
7. Skeletons, Dihaj
Azerbaijan continuing their streak of sending good songs was always going to continue and they certainly didn't disappoint, this song is so solid and her vocals are outstanding, This song definitely appeals to the mass market and it just gives off an amazing vibe.
As I mentioned at the beginning, this is not my top 10 for the year, but I felt like these were the one's I should share with you all so you can get a bit of an idea as to how amazing the show is going to be in May and why I'm so excited! I'll probably upload my top 43 (that's right there are 43 songs!!!!) at some point in the near future but for now, just enjoy these seven. Let me know your favourites because I'm always curious to hear other peoples opinions.
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