things i'm loving lately
11 May 2021
I did a favourites post not that long ago (back in March to be precise) but I tend to get very into things very quickly so I could talk about some new favourites every single week if I wanted to so I thought I'd whip up another one as an excuse for me to spread the love for some of the things I'm loving right now and also to use these pictures which I'm obsessed with and have been sitting in my drafts for too long now! Normally there's some sort of order to these and I split them into categories but this month's is just going to be a bit of a brain dump of rambly thoughts about my favourite things so I hope you're okay with that - It'll be fun I promise!
It's Eurovision season so that's taking up a huge amount of my time, more than I should probably admit. I've been following this contest since February, and I wrote a post all about some of the songs I think you should check out if you're interested in finding out a little bit more about the contest! Rehearsals have kicked off and we're edging ever closer to the grand final and I for one cannot wait to see how everything turns out and what the ultimate outcome is. Especially since last year's contest was cancelled this has been a long time coming. I'm hoping to put together a little online competition in lieu of my usual party that I have with my friends so if you're watching Eurovision this year and would be interested in taking part you can register your interest here.
I just finished up the fourth instalment of Alice Oseman's Heartstopper series. I read the first three instalments of this adorable graphic novel series back in July so when I saw that volume four had published I was on it IMMEDIATELY like I'm talking ten o'clock at night I was just about to go to bed but I might as well read Heartstopper instead immediately. If you're unfamiliar with Heartstopper it's a graphic novel series following Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson as they navigate their blossoming relationship in high school and it is a straight-up DELIGHT. Four volumes have been published so far but it's also all available to read for free on both Tumblr and Tapas so if you want an easy way to get some Nick and Charlie in your life you can also access them there. Alice has also just recently been awarded the YA Book Prize for her novel Loveless, which I also read back in October and absolutely loved.
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL THE MUSICAL THE SERIES IS BACK!!! This is a bit of a pre-emptive favourite since it's not actually out yet but HSMTMTS was one of my favourite shows of 2020 so I'm beyond excited for season two and from all the sneak peeks I've seen it looks absolutely incredible. HSMTMTS follows a group of students (fictional) at East High, where High School Musical was filmed, doing High School Musical as their school musical. This season they're doing Beauty and The Beast which I actually also did in school so I'm so excited to see how they tackle it. Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett from the series have also been putting out incredible music recently which I'm also very into right now. I actually qualified as one of Olivia Rodrigo's top fans on Spotify which may or may not be due to how many times I stream this cast album!
I'm also back on the Duolingo train. I've been very into german lately, which has definitely spawned from my recent love of The Voice Kids Germany. I always think it's so fun to learn languages because it's a great way to pass some time while also learning a new skill. I did German in school for five years so I really should be better at it than I am. I've previously attempted to learn Italian and Danish and a strange time when I decided it would be fun to learn Russian but right now I'm enjoying my time with German on Duolingo maybe I'll be able to say more than 'Hallo, ich heiße Alice und ich bin dreiundzwanzig Jahre alt' by the time I'm finished! I've also been watching Dark on Netflix which is blowing my mind! I did say I was in a German mood, didn't I!
THIS DRESS! I bought this dress in New Look last summer and I'll never stop being obsessed with it. It's yellow, which is my favourite colour and it's perfect for literally every occasion. Every time I wear it I get compliments on it so I guess it is just THAT piece in my wardrobe. It looks super cute and farmhouse chic with my clogs and cool and casual with my trainers. I'm actually hoping to buy a pair of Veja trainers soon (a very belated Christmas present) and I just know that they'll look so fab with this dress! Do you also have that one piece in your wardrobe that you just rave about?
Can't let a favourite's post go past without mentioning Maisie Peters now, can we! While also working on her debut album, Maisie Peters also wrote the entire soundtrack for the new season of Apple TV's 'Trying'. The first song from the album has just been released and it's called 'Funeral' and features James Bay and it's possibly her best ever (I've been a Maise fan for YEARS so I get to say that)! I'm so excited to hear what else she's been working on because she never fails to impress me.
I hope you liked this little favourites post and enjoyed the more casual tone. I love writing these posts because I kind of just feel like I'm having a conversation which is very fun and I don't stress too much about trying to write the right thing! Don't forget to let me know down below what things you've been loving lately so I can find some new obsessions for next month!
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