With us all being stuck inside it seems like the perfect time to do some decorating. Your home should feel like home whether you own your home, if you rent, or if you just rent a room it's important that your space feels like your space so here are a couple of my favourite places to get some cute decor.
La La Lab is my favourite place to order prints of my photographs from. They come in a wide array of styles from standard prints, to vintage polaroid style prints, and even photo strips so you can collate your memories. You can even get them printed in large poster format or in photobooks if you don't want to display them. I think the photostrips are my favourite. I have them stuck on the side of my wardrobe beside my bed! You can get an £8 discount on your first order or 25% off if you've already ordered before using the code ALICERUTHMYLES* on lalalab.com or on the app for easy ordering from your phone!
Photo strips (Gifted) |
Regular Prints XL |
Now is really the time to get crafty since all we have is time so why not experiment with your art skills and do some painting or practice your calligraphy skills and create a truly original piece for your walls
One more thing... plants make every room look lived in and loved, I love my windowsill collection of cacti, succulents and my spider plant. It just helps add some life into the room.
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